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Carson Matthews

Senior Vice President and Managing Broker

Carson joined Dorsey Alston Realtors in 2016 after rising through the ranks of two of the country’s largest residential real estate companies.

He is from Macon, Georgia, where several generations of his family have been connected with Belk department stores. After graduating from Presbyterian College, Carson completed the Belk executive training program and held several positions with the company in North Carolina. In 2002 Carson transitioned from retail to real estate and moved to Atlanta.

He earned the Rookie of the Year award in his first year as a REALTOR®. Over his 16-plus years as a REALTOR®, he has earned the Phoenix Award and been named a Life Member of the Atlanta REALTORS® Association Top Producers. An early adopter of the internet and social media, Carson is recognized by his peers as a marketing expert.

He serves on the Board of Directors of the Chastain Park Conservancy. He lives in Chastain Park with his wife Martha and their two children, Henry and Ben. He loves music, cooking, photography and spending time with his family.

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