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All a single mother who lost her job because of the coronavirus wants for Christmas is bedding — sheets and a comforter. For her 15-year-old son, she is asking for clothing; a pair of pants, maybe some shoes.

Another mother who is is struggling financially “would like my children to have a good Christmas.” She has three daughters under the age of four. Her list includes a dollhouse, a kitchen set and blankets for her baby.

This time of year highlights the divisions between the haves and the have nots. This year, during a global pandemic, those financial challenges are more profound, to say nothing of the psychological and emotional toll.

Dorsey Alston is proud to join with many other companies and individuals, making the holidays a little brighter through the Families First of Georgia Adopt-a-Family collection drive. At least 300 of these families will have something under the tree on Dec. 25 as a result.

Giving Love for the Holiday

Giving Love for the HolidayGiving Love for the Holiday

Founded in 1890 as an orphanage for little girls, today Families First impacts more than 16,000 families each year. It provides mental health support, coaching, early education, parenting skills, adoption, foster care and supportive housing via prevention and intervention techniques that help strengthen families and build resiliency, no matter what challenges they may be facing. It is Georgia’s largest family and children’s services organization.

For 130 years, Families First has been providing empowering solutions for Atlanta’s most vulnerable population. Families First started as an orphanage on the Westside of the city on the Spelman College campus. In 1937, it became the first licensed adoption agency in Georgia.

Giving Love for the Holiday

For more than a decade, Dorsey Alston has participated in the Adopt-a-Family collection drive. This year, Atlanta’s oldest and largest family-owned real estate company fulfilled four families’ wish lists.

The deadline to participate in the drive was Dec. 4, but if you would like to learn more about Families First and how you can make a difference, please click here.

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